Shanky's Whip 750ml
Shanky’s Whip is a Black Irish Whiskey
Shanky’s Whip is a Black Irish Whiskey rested in deep-charred oak barrels which creates a smooth creamy tasting whisky that is black in colour, which is then blended with other flavours to add rich, sweet creamy vanilla flavours. Drink it in the same way you drink your whiskey – neat, on the rocks, and maybe with cola in a short glass.
Shanky's is a smooth, easy drinking whiskey-based spirit for drinkers who like the idea of drinking whiskey but find the flavour too harsh. Shanky’s Whip is presented in a beautiful bottle, and vintage label featuring the mythical Irish jockey, Shanky – the original wild boy of racing. When thrown from his horse, Irish legend has it that Shanky later returned to the racetrack with an ostrich and cart and, of course, a whip. And his legend was born